
1. The name shall be:

RCEA (SUSSEX) An Association for Retired Professional Engineers

2. The objects of the Association shall be:

(a) To bring together retired Professional Engineers, and, by lectures and visits to local engineering works, maintain links with developments in engineering technology.

(b) To promote good fellowship for the members and their partners by social gatherings and outings.

3. The Association is based in Sussex.

3.1 Full membership is offered to retired (or part retired) professional engineers, the term ‘professional’ being defined for the purposes of this rule, as a Chartered Engineer, an Incorporated Engineer or an engineer who has held a senior professional post in an engineering environment and has degree level qualifications. Persons not meeting the above requirements may apply to become Associates.

3.2 Applications to become Associates must be proposed and seconded by two full members of RCEA who will be required to confirmthat the applicant has had a professional career (not necessarily in engineering) and has a significant interest in the engineering activities of RCEA. Associates will pay the same subscription and have all the benefits of full members, but will not be entitled to vote on any matters considered at the AGM. Associates may not be elected to the Committee, but may be co-opted when invited by the Committee.

4. There shall be an entrance fee of £10.00.

Subscriptions for each year become due on October 1st. The subscription for each year shall be determined at the Committee Meeting of the Association held in the previous May.

Members whose membership has been continuous for 21 years shall become life members and will be entitled to a reduced annual membership subscription.

5. The Officers

shall consist of President, Vice-President, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Assistant Secretary, Hon. Membership Secretary, Hon. Minute Secretary. Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Assistant Treasurer. The Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, and may offer themselves for re-election. Nominations for Officers shall reach the Hon. Secretary by the 31st July each year. The Vice President shall usually become the next President.

The Committee shall consist of the Officers, and a further four members, one of whom shall retire annually in rotation, and, being eligible, may offer themselves for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.

A quorum shall consist of four members of the Committee including at least two officers.

In all votes the President or such person deputising for the President shall also have a casting vote where the votes are equal and shall exercise it in such a way as to preserve the status quo, wherever possible.

The Committee shall have power to appoint an Officer or member of the Committee should any vacancy occur during the year.

6. The Committee

and members of the Association and each of them expressly disclaim any liability to each other or to third parties for the accuracy or reliability of the contents of any lecture, talk, display, document, promotional material or other advice howsoever provided or acquired. Furthermore the Association accepts no responsibility for any injury or loss or inconvenience caused to Members or their partners in consequence of any meeting or visit arranged on their behalf.

7. The Annual General Meeting

shall take place in September.

8. The accounts

shall be audited by one member who is not a member of the Committee and who shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. The financial year shall end on July 31st and the audited accounts shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

9. Rules

can be altered only at the Annual General Meeting and notice of any proposed alteration shall reach the Hon. Secretary at least one month before the Meeting.

10. Data Security

By the act of paying their subscription, Members accept that personal data submitted on the Application form, or subsequently, shall be used by the RCEA wholly for the purposes of the RCEA. It will be password protected, with said password only available to Members of the Committee. At any time a Member may request deletion of any or all of his details from either the database or the Handbook. If total deletion is requested the Member will thereby cease membership of the Association. A paper record will then be kept of his or her name, address, and dates of joining and leaving the Association.

11.Personal Data

In compliance with GDPR legislation, Members may request of the Membership Secretary a list of all personal data that the Association holds on him/her. The association must provide this within 30 days of receiving the written request.

12. A copy

of the Rules shall be supplied to each member.